Reluctant Duke of Kingsford

A Ghostly Love Story

Full Book synopsis/summary:

An imaginary young English Duke from the 1950s, John Browning III, tells of his life starting when he was very young. It was when England (and the entire world) was still recovering from World War II. He wants readers to know about his life – how he got to be the Duke, how he wasn’t pleased about being forced into that position, and his romantic journey with Lydia, the love of his life.

Besides struggling with just being the son of a Duke, John explains how he was striving to find his place in the world by becoming very well-educated – he was determined to make a name and reputation for himself that was not based upon his heritage alone. He was only twenty-five when he returned home from University, and he was about to assume mammoth responsibilities that would change his life forever. He would reluctantly succeed his recently deceased father as the new Duke and would care for the estate and all of Kingsford.

The changes coming his way would turn his world upside down, and he believed he needed to prepare for such changes. He grew up with Lydia, a playmate and the daughter of their gardener, who resided at the rear of the Manor. John III returned after three years of seriously troubling times. Lydia was excited to have him home again. He had been away for so long, and having him near caused her heart to be full of joy and warm feelings for him; not surprisingly, their love bloomed and flourished. Lydia (who was always treated more like family by John Sr. and all his family and the household staff would quickly become a permanent presence in the Manor household. John’s story includes two elderly ghosts who have “lived” in the Manor for several generations. He grew fond of their antics and how they affected life in the Manor and how their behavior affected the Manor’s inhabitants; there was constantly something he was forced to deal with.

Additionally, to keep everyday activities in the normal realm (and not of any interest to paranormal investigators or the media), he had to constantly and carefully keep their presence a secret from the public. Although he grew up in a household with these mischievous and spontaneous ghosts, he tried to do his daily business even when they were acting up. It remained to be seen whether they would affect the outcome of the lives of the Manor’s occupants.


1.     Mother had offered us some sage advice that made a lot of sense. Still I thought, “But what do we do about the hormones running wilds inside each of us?” That was something neither of us was brave enough to approach in conversation. Perhaps it would have been better if we had talked about it, but that never happened.

2.    Lydia came over to me, kissing me and hugging my neck… She told me,… “You are such a prince, and generous to the nth degree with me and your mother!” I corrected her, “I am not a prince, only a duke, which is worlds apart from royalty, as you know. To be addressed as a prince is quite an honor. It sounds wonderful to be thought so highly of, but on the other hand, it seems a bit too much to address such as I.”

3.  A funny thing happened with Bishop Thorne. He came to breakfast and asked an unsettling question. “Sir John, do you have any idea that GHOSTS exist here in this house?”

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